Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well, the first six pages of the Fortress Avalon webcomic is up now. I know that I should start off with only one page, but the first five were available as a preview, and there were people who had been shown the first five pages as well...so we have six pages up with one new page. Initially Fortress Avalon was to be a printed comic, but stuff with the printers fell through, and my artist and I have decided to put it up as a webcomic on Webcomics Nation.
Concerning the weekly updates, as the artist is currently going to school, and we have a limited number of pages that we had done ahead of time, the current updates will be on Fridays only but as soon as she is out, there will be a Monday, Wednesday and Friday update. I'm not going to lie, and say that we'll meet all three days. Truth is that there will always be stuff that will have to be dealt with before the comic. The only issues that we'll really be putting ahead of the comic would be family issues, work issues, and the occasional artist/writer's block. Fortunately the writer's block won't be coming any time soon as I've got at least a hundred weeks' worth of page scripts done.

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